Why Cedar Tree?

Cedar Tree
Mental Health & Well-being
Why Cedar Tree?
Cedar trees are native to the western Himalayan mountains........

Trees are amazing
They live through and despite adversity.

The Cedar tree is an evergreen tree, of which wood is known to be naturally resistant to rot and mould; very beneficial for building strong resilient structures.

The cedar aroma brings a calming fragrance and the sound from a guitar made of cedar creates a unique beautiful resonance.

Cedar wood will continually change its shape and density. Due to the nature of wood, its grains continue to deepen on their own directional path during its lifespan. It may be unpredictable and always changing, producing random imperfections and flaws which enhances a unique characteristic.

Therefore, the Cedar tree symbolises resilience, stability and strength in all weathers, as the roots grow down deep anchoring into the soil.

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